Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Killer Credits

My top five opening credits
1. Seven
My earliest memory of appreciating this art form is watching Seven at the cinema. At the time, I don't think I'd seen anything like them. The tightly cropped images are engaging and disturbing, the music is haunting. And even the perfect typography is unsettling. 

2. Fightclub
Besides being a massive fan of this movie, I love the title sequence (and the hectic Dust Brothers' theme). Your journey from the brain out through the layers of Edward Norton's head and up a gun barrel is in reverse. Impressive. Type looks a little dated now though. 

3. Dexter
Wonderfully shot introduction of Dexter getting ready in the morning. Every action mimics the art behind the murder. The saturated colours, short depth-of-field imagery, typography, and the irregular speed, make it all very creepy and engaging when the subject matter is not.

4. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
Love the contemporary illustrative style.

5. Pulp Fiction
Just great music and great type.

Snatch deserves a mention for it's comic book style. And so does the movie Fallen with Denzel Washington. Fallen introduced a unique visual language that inspired a major work of mine in college. Can't find either online. 

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